5 Things The Irish Are Known For

The Irish are an incredible group of people, on both sides of the border, who, in spite of their country’s size, have had a remarkable impact on the world. Each nation will have its stereotypes, some will be accurate, others not so much, when it comes to the Irish however, there are far more stereotypes which are true than false. Throughout the yers the Irish have become known for certain characteristics, activities and personality traits, and today we are going to look into 5 of these which the Irish have become known for.
Most people associate the Irish with drinking, and with good reason as they consume a vast amount of beer each and every year. Further evidence of this can be seen in almost every country around the world, where you can count on finding an Irish bar with its doors open. The most famous of all the Irish drinks however is Guinness, the creamy black stout which is known the world over. Guinness is a national treasure to the Irish and a drink which is sold in every corner of the globe.
The Irish love a punt, especially on the likes of horse racing and their very own Gaelic Games. This is an industry which contributes greatly to the Irish economy, especially since the arrival of sites such as https://online-casino.ie/ who were able to start operating online after internet gambling was made legal in 2015. The Irish will bet and gamble on just about anything, but horse racing is by far and away the most popular.
Epic Landscapes
Ireland has some of the most breathtaking natural scenery in Europe, if not the world. Here it is not just the lush green valleys and rolling mountains which captivate the imagination, but also the rugged coastline which people fall in love with. Many areas of Ireland are used for film and TV shows thanks to its beauty, and areas like Giant’s Causeway have even been used in music albums.
You would do very well indeed to meet an Irish person who you did not like, it is that much of a rare occasion. The Irish are incredibly friendly, both home and abroad, and this is a generalization which has been proven time and time again. Whether it is the voice, their welcoming spirit or their love of having a good time, you will struggle to find a more friendly people than the Irish.
In a world of vast multiculturalism, some country have lose much of their roots as a result, but not Ireland. Ireland manages the balance perfectly, welcoming new cultures whilst retaining the best bits of what it means to be Irish. From Celtic music being sang in pubs throughout the north and south to the aforementioned Gaelic Games still attracting many of younger players, and even the wide range of traditional food on offer, the Irish certainly know who they are and where they have come from.