How to Pack For Your Summer Road Trip

Taking a road trip during the summer is a tradition for many in North America. Hitting the road actually allows you to enjoy life, take several vacations and have multiple experiences because you get to stop wherever you like and you also get to enjoy the thrill of the road which can be as stimulating as anyplace you stop.
If you are planning on taking a road trip this summer one important issue it to make sure that you pack properly so you have everything important that you need while traveling. Here is a list of things that you should never leave at home when you are on your summer road trip.
Packing for a road trip demands that you bring the essentials, but do no load yourself down with things that are too heavy or bulky. The good thing is that this is a summer road trip so the weather will be accommodating. A few of the clothing basics to pack include:
Cotton pants – that are breathable in darker colors so if you find yourself without a place to wash them for a while you can wear them a few times without having them look ratty.
Breathable and light shirts – that allow you to be comfortable in the warmer weather but that also can keep some hat in on the cooler nights. A great choice are the merino wool shirts by Unbound Merino. They offer short and long sleeve merino wool pullovers made from the finest merino wool fabric. These shirts are light, breathable and also can keep some heat in when needed. They also do not need ironing, so you will always look good on the road.
Cotton socks – they are comfortable and perfect when you find yourself needing to walk some distances or your feet get wet.
Comfortable all weather shoes or sneakers – that are good for long walks on or off the trail.
Mobile Phone – The most important gadget you need to bring is your mobile phone. This device connects you to the world, provides you with entertainment, and has GPS so you can pull up a map program and never end up lost no matter where the road takes you. You can also download specific maps for the areas you are going so if you lose internet service you can still orient yourself.
Camera – Yes your mobile phone has a camera and it takes good pictures but it cannot compare to the pictures you can take with a good stand- alone camera. Consider getting a GoPro because it is rugged and can go anywhere you go, take a beating, and still deliver great pictures and video. You can also easily operate it hands free.
Smoke Accessories—If you plan on travelling to a state where cannabis is legal you should consider taking a vape pen and an herb grinder. These will come in handy on your trip and, if you buy the right ones, will be small enough to fit into your toiletry kit. Make sure the remove the battery from the vape when traveling.
Road Gear
Emergency Road Kit – You need to purchase and pack a car safety kit in case you have car trouble. Good ones have an air compressor, jumper cables, a tow rope, first aid kit, a window hammer, a flat tire repair kit, and even a first aid kit.
Food and Water
You should bring a variety of snacks that you like because there is no guarantee that they will be available where you travel. You should also bring plenty of water. It can get hot and dusty on the road so make sure you are prepared.
Also make sure that you pack toiletries and toilet paper. You just never know when you might need these things on the road.